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July 31, 2019

10 ways your non-profit website can increase sponsorship dollars

Used correctly, your non-profit website can potentially increase sponsorship dollars.  My prior experience was selling $ millions for Lifetime TV, A+E Networks, Parents Magazine, and  Borrowing ideas from the for-profit world can enhance your sponsorship offerings and bring in more dollars by applying the same strategies without compromising your mission.  In addition to the altruistic and mission alignment reasons, sponsors want to be involved with your organization to receive branding and awareness for their company.  The more exposure you can give a sponsor, the more valuable your sponsorship is to them. Below is a list of 10 pointers that can help increase sponsorship dollars for your non-profit.

10 Ways to Increase Sponsorship

  1. Know exactly how much traffic your website receives and which pages users go to. Sponsors want to know the impact that their “ad” is going to get on your website. Google Analytics is the Gold Standard in providing this information.  Your webmaster can create a Google account (and so can you.)  The code must be generated and put on your website.
  2. Create special sections for your sponsors. This can be a single page where multiple sponsors are featured and then link to a single more detailed page.
  3. Create a single page for your sponsor so that the sponsor’s message and their alignment with your vision is 100% clear to your website visitors. Let your users understand why this company sponsors your cause and what makes them a good sponsor for doing so.
  4. Have your president’s message page naming all sponsors and thanking them for supporting your mission. Link to their websites
  5. Have different sections sponsored by different like-minded sponsors, or as we used to call it, CONTEXTUAL RELEVANCE
  6. Have video messages from the sponsor on topics as to why they support your mission.
  7. Always link back to your sponsors’ website.
  8. Use Bit’ly to track link clicks back to your sponsors’ website, so they can understand how supporting your mission increases branding and awareness to their company.
  9. Have your sponsor write a blog post about why they have sponsored your organization. Put it in your blog area.
  10. Have a list of all sponsors on the bottom of all your non-profit website pages that link back to the sponsors’ website. In-kind, have the sponsor create a special page for you telling their audience why they sponsor you.  Great for search engine optimization as they create backlinks.
  11. Have areas on your event registration page to showcase sponsors and link back to their website.

CLICK HERE  for examples of some of the above solutions for your non-profit website.  Need help?  Contact us at 212-929-9980.

Fund Raising
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