We will guarantee our PPC work. If you are working with a current PPC company will decrease your overall cost by 15%. Our certified Google specialists will make conduct all research, identify keywords and ensure your landing pages will create high quality scores.
We make your landing page stand out in a crowd. Your landing page should have very clear offers, calls to action, coupled with dazzling design. We Are Immediate will design and build beautiful landing pages created with a synergy toward your overall marketing strategy. Our landing pages also lower your cost per lead due because we write HIGH QUALITY SCORE content.
When it comes to success, strategy is king. We Are Immediate works closely with your marketing team to ensure the best possible result from your PPC campaign, and that means growing your business. Our ads are all targeted to make sure that your information is delivered to interested parties at relevant times, thus lowering your cost per adquisition.
Success doesn’t come in a vacuum! We Are Immediate will monitor your campaign after launch to ensure it is reaching the goals we set. If not, we help tweak and improve it. Testing is a huge part of a good marketing strategy, and we take care of analyzing how your campaign is performing at various points before making additional recommendations.
Advertising that performs! Monitoring the results of your campaign and optimizing results are the final and most important step of SEM. We Are Immediate breaks down your campaign step-by-step and analyzes results. We do this by creating AB testing to determine whichversion of your ads and landing pages offer the highest performance.Then we make the necessary changes to lower your cost per acquisiton and increase your bottom line.
We Are Immediate can create any e-commerce software solution that is needed by your business or non-profit organization. Please contact us for a consultation to evaluate the best solution for your requirements