Tips to Improve Fundraising Results

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December 8, 2022
by Lori Shecter

These tips to improve fundraising results will give you a different perspective on fundraising. Fundraising strikes fear in the hearts of most non-profits, but I approach it differently. In my role as CEO of We Are Immediate, a design agency that builds websites for non-profits, I hear about the pain points from hundreds of executives and development directors. It’s critical to remember that every company, whether for-profit or non-profit, must generate revenue somehow, and that usually means selling products. We Are Immediate designs and develops non-profit websites. Apple sells technology. TJMaxx – discounted designer clothes. The non-profit sells its mission, its impact, and its value to society. What is the best way to get people to buy your product? Tell your story and upsell your value. But first, why love your job as a fund-raiser?

Why love (not fear) fundraising

Did you know that there are 1.5 million non-profits in the US? Think about this — if every non-profit has only accomplished one goal – or helped one person, place, or thing, that’s 1.5 million actions of giving THAT WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED, if it weren’t for you and your organization. Seriously, we know that most organizations accomplish much more than one thing. Fundraising has a lot of emotional goodness along with apprehension.  (and by the way, so does sales) Think about this:

  • The great feeling you get when you meet your goals
  • The ability to carry out your mission
  • Meeting and networking with donors
  • Hearing people’s stories
  • Figuring out the way you motivate people to donate. A little superhuman AI

Tips to improve fundraising results

First, think about this — why do you buy a product?

  • You know and trust the brand
  • Do you like the results?
  • Other people are using it
  • It is affordable

Next, how do you know about the product? What is their advertising approach?

  • Social media outlets
  • Television
  • Mail
  • Outdoor signs
  • Print
  • Websites
  • Search

How will your non-profit IMPROVE its fundraising success?

1:  For the love of your mission statement KNOW YOUR IMPACT!  I can’t tell you how many non-profits I speak with don’t seem to realize that they actually have impact numbers.  I know that sounds crazy, but I jest not.

2:  Show them your impact by telling your story:  What does that mean?  Does Apple have a story? Nike? TJ Maxx, Trader Joe’s.  Here We Are Immediate’s story:  We used to build websites for large Fortune 500’s like IKEA and  A+E Networks and it was good.  It was very good.  But we made a choice to move into Non-Profit Web Development because we saw too many non-profits that had horrible web design that impacted their ability to do good. We felt the best way that we could give back to humanity was to help as many non-profits with amazing web design and we loved it.  And now we can go to sleep feeling that we’ve saved humanity or at least created great non-profit websites.

Examples of Impact pages that we think ROCK:

More on Story Telling Video

There is no good reason not to have stories on your website. Period.  Stories of impact.  Stories of the people, places, animals, and things that you help. If you can’t get live video, then use inexpensive stock video (and music).  Affordable stock video:

Video Editing tools:  Obviously lots of free/inexpensive apps on your phone but for desktop:

  • Mac has a built-in editor
  • I use Camtasia – which I really like and it’s not too hard
  • Filmora –$50/year

If you’re not into video…  Then write, write, write your story and please, somehow get some photos.


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    Fund Raising
    Web Development

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