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Fundraising for nonprofits is probably one of the most difficult challenges that your organization can have. We Are Immediate can help increase your donations through a variety of means including optimizing your website, creating responsive digital campaigns, and engaging your email list with a better success rate. We are creatives, idea generators bend on helping your non-profit increase donations.

A list of quick tips to help you now for fundraising in the time of COVID. First of all, DON’T GIVE UP. Many Non-P...
This virtual planning guide can help you kick off your virtual gala!  My background in television helped me understand ...
This is the perfect time to be creative. Maybe you have to cancel your gala or other people gathering event. Either way,...
You can build better nonprofit sponsorship packages that can increase the likelihood of having a business become involve...
Step 1:  For a successful non-profit appeal The first step in a successful non-profit appeal is to ensure that the perc...
Wondering how to get started creating a sponsorship package? This non-profit sponsorship toolkit contains a few resource...

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155 East 31 Street, Suite 9L | New York, NY 10016