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March 14, 2015

Use your Website Effectively to Boost your Business

You can’t deny that the internet is a very powerful resource. With it, distance is less of an object, switching costs are more negligible, and competition is fierce. So why treat your website like a listing in the Yellow Pages or an old PowerPoint presentation? You’re not making the most of your resources, and that can cost you.

Here’s why:

  1. Your website is an extension of your business. It should mirror your company’s values, communicate your vision, and showcase what you have to offer. In fact, your website should be your best face(since there are far fewer barriers to improvement). Are you all about customer service? Make it prominent! Do you brand yourself as high quality? Better work on those visuals! Your design should be clean and professional and representative of you.
  2. Poor website experiences scare away viewers. This is particularly true in regards to eCommerce sites and services. Who wants to submit personal data on a website with broken links or super pixelated photos? Those types of amateurish mistakes make you look just that. Your website needs to be fully functional and reflect how you want to be perceived. Remember that being a proactive business is always better than being reactive. Test, test, test, and make sure everything is right before making it live.
  3. Your website should steer your audience. Is your navigation the best it can be? If information gets buried or is difficult to find, your website could use some work. People like being able to find what they want and be on their way, and if you can make their lives easier, they just might convert to paying customers (with positive testimonials).
  4. Is your information up to date? Remember to regularly update your content. Whether you’re a retail site or not, up to date content is always better. If your last post was when you made your website, you can be sure that some viewers have dropped out after noticing that nothing on your site changes. You can also keep the content refreshing by incorporating your other media, such as images or videos.
  5. Your website should be unique. Did you like a competitor’s web design and decide to build one just like it? Having great navigation, imagery, and copy are all important, but you need to stand out amongst your peers. The internet makes comparing different sites extremely easy, so whether you’re a news blog or a department store, you need to provide a unique experience. Do you have a service no one else offers? Is your location not to be beaten? Can you provide excellent customer service in real time? Do something to capitalize on your personal assets.

Your website is a compact visual representation of your business. Remember that you should keep it relevant, have appropriate and quality visuals, provide a good user experience, and highlight your business’s personal strengths.

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