Two Important (but often neglected) Non-Profit Website Pages

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August 26, 2021
by Lori Shecter

When people ask We Are Immediate to take care of their non-profit web design, the focus of attention usually goes to the PROGRAMS that are offered, the MISSION of the organization and their ABOUT US pages. Pages that are given less attention but are probably even more important from both a fund-raising and donation point of view are the IMPACT and the DONATION pages. Why? Because when people are trying to decide whether or not to help fund your organization, they want to hear the stories and see the impact that you have on your cause. When designing a new website, or improving upon an existing one, you can make changes that will improve your page design as well as performance. Below are 5 steps to help any non-profit with these subtle, but important pages.

1:  List statistics

List how many people/animals/projects have you helped or impacted either during the current year or during the organization’s existence. Of course, this will vary based on the time you’ve been around. Check out NYC’s Riverstone new impact page (designed by We Are Immediate.)

2:  Connect your case studies

If you have case studies of people or events which include either videos or images, the ability of your page to influence the user increases drastically. Check out Humble Design’s amazingly powerful video stories.

3:  Use images, graphics, and video

Using pictures to show who benefits from your programs and powerful graphics will help engage users to more fully understand what you do, the impact you have, and the impact that they will have if they donate to your organization or approve your grant. While the below illustrates a program detail page, it is not only clear who the program helps, but the impact that the program has. The McSilver Institute.

4:  Make it easy to figure out how to donate with our optimized non-profit web design

Charity Water not only makes it easy to see how to donate but also shows users the impact their donation will have on the overall mission as well as other ways a user can help the organization. Non-profit Web design at its most efficient.

Non-profit Web design

5:  Make your donation seamless with your website.

How can you do this? Many payment gateways can integrate with your website, making it appear that everything is occurring on your website rather than going off to another payment portal. In addition, some of the more popular donation platforms do offer an API integration so that the experience appears seamless with your website. You may need your web developer to help you with these types of integrations, but the increased incoming dollars can make it more than worth the cost.

If you need help with any of these pages, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a pro-bone consultation! CLICK HERE for IMMEDIATE HELP!

Have questions? Drop us a line.

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