25 Things to Do When Social Media Goes Down

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October 6, 2021
Make hay while the sun shines
by Lori Shecter

Frankly, I was happy that social media was down and many people that I talked to felt the same way!   It made me realize 2 things:

  1. How much wasted time that I spend “catching up” (without even realizing that I do this for a break)
  2. Our reliance on social media for… well, just about everything.

Here’s a list of things you can do and should do in case of global failure again, but even if you don’t have global failure!

Website Updates

  • Check your homepage and see if it has new and compelling content.
  • Create new case studies, stories, videos.
  • View your Google Analytics and see how your traffic is performing.
  • Install FREE software like Mouseflow or Hotjar to see what issues your website might be having.
  • Create a new blog post that is SEO friendly – mentioning your keyword 5 times.
  • Make sure you have a great SEO plugin like YOAST which works with WordPress.
  • Make a content plan for the next month.  Check out a free tool like Trello to help you
  • Check out your donation pages.  Do they compel people to donate?

Social Media

  • Create all your social media posts for the next 5 days. Use Trello or Asana free versions to help you schedule.
  • Ensure that your website reflects these posts in a news update.
  • Plan a :30 or :60 Video series for the next month.
  • Research cool posting tools like Onlypult.
  • Research new design tools like Figma (free).
  • Find cool photos to use on Unsplash, Pixabay, or Adobe Free Images.
  • Investigate how to use YouTube or Vimeo more effectively to help your business or organization.
  • Check out your Google business page and see how many reviews you get. Make sure you HAVE a Google business page
  • Evaluate your Linked-In  business Profile
  • Post stories to Linked-In

Other Marketing Tools

  • Update your mailing list
  • Investigate Apollo.IO to see how you can grow your email list
  • See if your “signup to our mailing list” is doing well
  • Test new email software (like Yesware) – which is what I use


  • Check out Double the Donation which has a free trial and is pretty awesome!
  • Create a new and exciting donation campaign that will last the whole year – not just a one-off!
  • Ask your team your donation software is working well for them.
  • Get some more ideas by reading this post!

What did I do on my “day” off?

I don’t really remember because it was two days ago and at the moment, I barely remember what I had for breakfast. I do know that it was a RELIEF to not feel like I HAD to be doing something on social media. Which felt really, really good.

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