6 Non-profit Web Design Firms We Are Inspired By

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April 19, 2023
by Lori Shecter

Inspiration from non-profit web design firms

When We Are Immediate creates non-profit web designs for our clients, we begin the process by scouring the world to find the best-in-class web designs for our clients. To find the perfect inspiration for the website we are about to design, our User Experience specialist reviews hundreds of websites (and they are not just non-profit websites).

Why do we review websites other than non-profit web designs?

If you think about it, your donation page is similar to e-commerce. Your product is your programs and impact, and your “selling points” are your stories and testimonials. So, when we create donation pages we review e-commerce sites (as well as, of course, donation pages.)

Your website represents everything about your non-profit and is often the first experience a person has when getting into deeper details about your organization. If you are looking for a team to redesign your website, it is important to select one that has experience with non-profits that can deliver on your non-profit web design goals. This includes your marketing goals (donation, event registration, email signups, joining, employment, etc.), creatively expressing a unique graphic design, helping you with content migration and content writing, and finally, making admin panels that are easy enough for the non-technical person to use.

Below is a list of non-profit web design firms that we are inspired by (and also a few others!)

1:  We Are Immediate

We don’t like to toot our own horn (ok, we are), but we think our designers are some of the best in the world when it comes to non-profit web design. Every website has the same rigorous process no matter what size your budget is, and it includes:

  • Discovery –  what you need, what works, what doesn’t work, what you are hoping to change, what you like (and don’t like), and your marketing goals.
  • Wireframing – basically like a blueprint of your website before design begins
  • Graphic Mockups and changes based on feedback
  • Research among your users and internal team members to ensure the design is perfect, and any changes we might need to the graphic design
  • Development and QA
  • Content Migration and Search Engine Optimization
  • Training
  • Launch! This is the most exciting part of the project as we watch your dreams come true!

Websites we are proud of:

2:  Teal Media

We really like some of their projects and congratulate them on their fine non-profit work. Here are some examples:

3:  Burocratik  

4: Outpost

5:  Constructive

6:  Dog Studio


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    Fund Raising
    Web Development

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